If you need to move quickly but don’t have the cash for a down payment until your current home sells, an Arizona bridge loan may be just what you need to help make your dreams come true. Learn the risks and benefits of a bridge loan to decide if it is the right choice for you.
If you are trying to sell your home, you know that it can take a while, especially if you are still living in it. Between picky buyers who can’t see around your furniture to trying to keep it clean for showings that are often erratic and unproductive, you may feel that you will never be able to sell your current home. Which may be fine, but it probably isn’t. Whether you need to move for work or simply to have more space, you may need to get out of your current home quickly.
You may be able to double qualify for two mortgages which would make it possible to move while your current home is still on the market. However, even borrowers who can qualify for two mortgages may find themselves short on their down payment for their new home. Even at only 5%, your down payment can be upwards of $20,000 and most people don’t just have that sitting in a savings account. You are most likely relying on the sale of your current home to finance your down payment into your new house.
This is where an Arizona bridge loan comes into play. An Arizona bridge loan is a short term loan
designed to bridge the gap between your current home selling and you needing to move into your new home. You use the bridge loan funds as a down payment on the new home, and when your current home sells you pay back the bridge loan with funds from the sale. This will allow you to move almost immediately and will make it easier to sell your current home.
Dennis Dahlberg Broker/RI/CEO/MLO
23335 N 18th Drive Suite 120 | Phoenix | AZ | 85027
111 Congress Ave |Austin | Texas | 78701