
September 9, 2019

Are Arizona hard money loans the way to go when it comes to funding your dream business deal? Despite the little ads that appear saying “Stay away from this—you need to try . . .”, you owe it to yourself to check this funding out.

Times change and when you looked further into the matter—once these lenders had the worst reputation around, short of the loan shark in the old neighborhood. […]
September 9, 2019

You’ve made your choice to go with a Arizona hard money lender in order to fund what you see as a really good opportunity not only to help the housing situation in your community,

but as a comeback for yourself in your chosen field. Your appointments are set and you’ve gathered together the documents you think you’ll need. Will things […]
September 9, 2019

Are you looking to build a home for yourself or a string of one-family homes that you could sell quickly once construction is completed? Speculative home financing could be the answer for you. Read on and discover how to evaluate this area.

This type of funding is defined simply as financing attached to unsold property. It is not a large part of the construction financing world, but is […]
September 9, 2019

If you are one those investors whose leanings still are in the direction of conventional funding, a 90% Arizona hard money loan may be the best answer for you.

These type loans are more difficult to obtain, but your project will be partially funded as opposed to having your entire effort wrapped up with one […]
September 9, 2019

All you have thought about since you saw that old closed hotel downtown is fixing it up, but with your credit, where would get the money? Someone said “Try a commercial Arizona hard money lender.”, but what is that?

As you found out after grabbing your laptop and a fresh pot of coffee that night, lenders in this field base any loan upon commercial assets […]
September 8, 2019

Can You Still Get Arizona business loans with Rotten Credit?

Finding Arizona business loans when you’ve got rotten credit is a challenge. However, there are options for just about every circumstance if you know where to […]