It’s a great benefit for those who need investment money now and don’t qualify because of their credit scores. An Arizona hard money lender probably won’t care about your credit score, though they may give you a lower interest rate should you have a higher score. There is also not as much red-tape to go through to get Arizona hard money, so you are able to have the money in-hand very quickly. Banks can make you wait for 30 days—which may be too late for you. The down-side of going through a hard money lender Arizona, is that you will have a higher interest rate than you would with a conventional bank Mortgage. But if you are using it to invest, you just have to do the math and make sure you make a profit that is worth it to you. The nice thing is that you can probably buy and flip an investment property completely with Arizona hard money, without any out-of-pocket expense. It’s a great way to start in real estate investing!