The particular ragged edges of the housing market hasn’t eradicated the sales of houses, but it’s true that it’s not easy these days. People still buy houses, of course, but nowadays flipping properties is far more popular.
That’s why private money lenders Arizona are such a popular tool these days – even people who have lost it all in the recent real estate bubble bursting can stand proud and say, “My credit is terrible, but there’s no reason why I can’t make a profit!”
Typically, individualized hard-money lenders are paired with borrowers through Mortgage brokers who then receive a commission on each deal. As with traditional mortgage brokers, everyone charges points and fees, which can be several thousand dollars per transaction, so make sure you have that kind of cash on hand.
Some Mortgages are made up with light monthly payments and a ballooning payment due at the end of the Mortgage term — a feature they share with some of the mortgages that contributed to the financial bust.