In the most recent months, the U.S. economy has demonstrated numerous signs of improvement in property values, home building and a leveling off of unemployment–at ‘new normal levels’ that we can begin to enjoy and relax about. We are happy to report that it, luckily, isn’t getting worse. We are finally recovering. Sure we have some definite challenges coming up, but we are excited that the United States is beginning to see some change- and they are all positive.
We are beginning to believe that the year 2013 could lead to some great job opportunities and a relatively strong job creation in the private sector. Additionally, auto sales will be strong, home sales will continue to climb back, corporate profits and cash balances will remain high and rates are assured to be low through the next two years–these all paint an optimistic picture. However, the fiscal cliff, all uncertainty in the Middle East in connection with the commodity of oil, the possible economic collapse of the European Union and the consequences of inevitable tax increases in the future will hang over this optimism. There’s always something.
Of course, we know that in reality, we can’t predict the future, we can only surmise. This is of course a challenge to economists, business owners and consumers alike who are just trying to make the most of their information before they make a move. It just depends on negations around the federal budget go down. Depending on a number of factors, it could help or hinder the housing market. We just have to watch and wait and see.
While we know the market won’t be at quite what it was in 2006, we are confident that it is growing stronger every year. We are seeing more construction and more consumer confidence, which means that the home market will se it fairly soon after. We can only hope.

Level 4 Funding LLC
23335 N 18th Drive Suite 120
Phoenix AZ 85027