- Trust Deed Investing
trust deed investment can be confusing. Knowing how things work can help guide you through this process. It isn’t child’s play;
trust deed investing is a big financial stepping stone for a person, so it is very important that you do as much as possible to learn about exactly what you’re getting into. The more you know, the more you can get done with ease.
For example, knowing whether your trust deed investment will be secured by a whole (one lender/note holder) or a fractionalized (more that one lender/note holder) deed of trust is a good start, mostly because different regulations are assigned to each when you go through a mortgage loan broker.
Fractionalized promissory notes and deeds of trust are subject to regulation by the DRE (Real Estate Law) and the DOC (Securities Law). In fact, the Real Estate Law is also known as the “multi-lender law,” if you have ever heard of that. The law enforces restrictions like the mortgage loan broker must service your loan and have a written agreement with you and no more than ten lenders at a time on a single investment.
Also, keep in mind that your mortgage loan broker must service your loan or you and your mortgage loan broker must find someone who is a properly licensed real estate broker or exempt from licensing by law to service your loan.
Better understanding your
trust deed investment process will help you procure the best investment that you possibly can. Moreover, learning more about your
trust deed investments will help you understand the security and laws put into effect specifically to help you through your
trust deed investment and this means the process time will be cut down significantly because there won’t be a learning curve. Never put off grabbing as much information about your
trust deed investments as you can.
Arizona Hard MoneyLevel 4 Funding LLC
23335 N 18th Drive Suite 120
Phoenix AZ 85027